Monday, March 4, 2013

Day #42 - #51

22 Feb, Friday through Mar 3, Sunday

Yeah been slacking. Been busy. Life getting in the way of blogging. That and a slew of other excuses that are frivolous. Flat out, didn't blog, okay, next thing.

Bad mom: kid is still dancing while going to physical therapy. On late dance nights she isn't eating dinner. I didn't check her homework a few nights even though I said I would. Let the kid do additional dance classes to prep for dance team tryout, as if she doesn't have enough to do. Banned the kid from any more extracurricular activities due to upcoming dance recital.

Good mom: did check the kid's homework on other nights and helped as needed. Played chauffeur to the kids hectic schedule. Fixed her lunches. Fixed her breakfasts. Taught her how to make soap scrubs. Almost finished a stuffed animal for her. Helped her make felt stuffed animals.

Proud mom: all 'A' progress report, doing well in dance team practice, coping well with a 'D' on a homework assignment, hasn't been caught acting up at school, does stuff around the house without copping to much of an attitude, and she is grateful for what she has in life.
